Thermal Cargo Transport
Thermal Cargo Transport
To ensure your cargo or shipment is unaffected by weather conditions, such as extreme cold or heat that can damage the quality of the cargo content, we offer thermal cargo transport services.
Thermal cargo transport ensures your cargo will not be damaged due to circumstances beyond your or our control.
What Goods Can We Transport
We particularly recommend using thermal cargo transport for shipping medications, flowers, cosmetics, paints, frozen products, seafood, chocolates, or other food and non-food items that can be damaged by inappropriate weather conditions during transport.
Medications |
Flowers |
Cosmetics |
Food Products |
Other Goods |
Thermal Cargo Transport Territory
Cargo transport from the northeastern to the southwestern Europe and back.
We provide thermal cargo transport between Latvia and other Baltic states, France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Ask us if you're interested in thermal cargo transport between other European Union countries.
Combined Cargo Transport Schedule
Latvia | Baltic States | Italy | Spain | France | Portugal
Get a Price Offer
Would you like to know the cost of transporting your cargo in standard conditions?
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How We Work
We offer a full delivery cycle from the sender's door to the recipient's door.
Based on the specifics of your cargo and the distance of transportation, we will create an individual price offer.
Cargo Reception
If necessary, we will consolidate and load the cargo at your specified location and time.
We will perform safe cargo transportation. We recommend also insuring the cargo for 100% security against any unforeseen accidents.
If necessary, we will handle all the required cargo documentation and customs formalities.
Would You Like to Know More About This Service?
Phone: +371 67 170 070 |